Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28 Letter-Wore out my first pair of shoes

How many miles have I walked?  You know, I've actually wondered that for myself a few times, I wonder how many miles I've walked in one week. So if you want to know I guess a pedometer would do the trick.  Especially now in this super bukid, rice fields, area. My favorite shoes have worn out, but good thing I have another pair of handy, dandy crocs. I was a bit worried about my ankle actually because it was still pretty swollen even after a week, but Sister Acosta and I rubbed some kind of like IcyHot oil on it and tried to massage the swelling out and now it's doing a lot better. But still a little swollen around my ankle bone. 

Today at our zone goal setting one of the elders said it was like a mini mini general conference because we went around the room with each companionship telling about miracles they've seen in their areas and what things they are doing that are working for them. It was really neat to hear about the other missionaries areas and I really felt that this is undoubtedly the Lord's work, not the work of us 18-24 year old missionaries. One companionship talked about finding this golden na golden investigator. They were looking for someone else, but when they stopped to talk to this man he insisted that they stay and share a message with him. He had rejected all of the other religious groups that had stopped by his house, but as he saw those missionaries he really felt something different, he said. Now he is progressing towards baptism. Our zone leaders told us about their recent convert named Danny. When they first met Danny he was wearing a dress and make up. Even though it was awkward at first, they kept teaching him. And it's been amazing how much Danny has changed. He started wearing boy clothes again and stopped wearing makeup. The Sunday after his baptism(last week) he bought a new pair of shoes so that he could work with the elders. He is going to be a great missionary. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is real and it has the power to change people. 

In our area we've been trying to be better at using our planners to their fullest extend and really use the Lord's time wisely. And we have seen miracles. Just little things like meeting a former investigator that already has a strong testimony but for some reason the other missionaries just stopped teaching her. Or like the time we started to introduce ourselves to someone we didn't know, only to find out that she was the less active member that we had been looking for. I know that this is the time of harvest and that the field really is white. 

I love being a missionary! 
Mahal ko po kayong lahat :) 
Sister Larson

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