Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5th Letter-Cheezits-whoo hoo!!

This was just an awesome week! Maybe because it started off with Cheez-its!! Nothing says America like real cheddar.

But really. 

There were just a ton of little tender mercies and miracles. And we are going to have a "sharing time" with our Bishop and our ward missionaries tonight and we are really excited to use Preach My Gospel and really become more united with our ward as we try to rescue and baptize the precious souls in this area. Our zone leaders have recently been stressing the importance of part member families and using the less active members from the ward directory to find new investigators. Just yesterday we went to an area that neither Sister Acosta or I had ever been to. We just had a list of names, no addresses. The very first woman that we saw and talked to was one of the names on our list of less active members. She took us around the area introducing us to other less active members and former investigators. I know it really was a tender mercy from the Lord. He is hastening His work!! I love being a missionary. 

This Fast Sunday we fasted as a mission because in June (President and Sister Martino's last month here) we have a goal for each companionship to have two baptisms. And that's never actually happened in the 3 years that President and Sister Martino have been here. So we all fasted for our investigators with a baptismal date in June and to be able to find those people that will be ready to be baptized in June. And it was awesome! Brother Danny came to church! He's the one who's wife died a few weeks ago. I am amazed at his humility. This trial has opened his heart so much and he is finally ready to accept the gospel. I love teaching him because it's so easy to feel the Spirit during our lessons. He is awesome. I really love being a missionary.  So what new cool things have you guys learned from Preach My Gospel? ;) 

Sister Larson

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