Monday, May 12, 2014

Letter written to Pres. Martino after Skyping for Mother's Day

I just got finished Skyping with my family and surprisingly, I really am not homesick. Because, honestly,  I know that these months on my mission are so important. And as much as I love my family I know that what I'm doing is the most important work that I could be doing right now.  I had a really great personal study the other day. I reread my patriarchal blessing along with my reading in the Book of Mormon about the Atonement and it just made me so excited for the future. I know that our missions are not just about what we gain personally, but having been able to see the changes in myself I know that I will never be the same person ever again.  I feel like these months are the start of something great. Because I am probably going to spend more years of my life as a member than as a missionary, these months are so crucial to help me understand how important the work of Salvation really is. And I really am starting to get it, like really "get it"

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