Sunday, May 25, 2014

May 25th Letter- What a Week!

So I remember you asking me if we ever talk in church and actually yes, quite often actually. And it's a lot different than talking in church back home. Whenever the scheduled speakers fall through either me or Sister Acosta will speak. Yesterday I spoke about a mighty change of heart. Sometimes our ward can get kind of noisy. But then I started crying (that's what happens when we feel the Spirit sometimes, okay) and it got really silent. Most Filipinos don't usually cry in public. So when someone starts crying it's kind of shocking. As for me, I'm like the biggest crybaby ever so it's nothing new really. I thought that was pretty amusing. 

Also I don't know if you knew this but the most common way to buy shampoo/conditioner is in a sachet. Like little foil packets. 

Also I really love riding in tricycles. But sometimes it gets kind of bumpy and my insides start to feel like scrambled eggs. 

Also Bro.Danny, one of my favorite investigators, stayed for our Gospel Principles class yesterday! He's come to church a few times now but usually right after sacrament he'll just go home. But this time he stayed! And he's just so happy. He really is so different from the first time I met him. The first time I met him I was so scared of him. We had gone over to their house because his wife was sick and so we just sang some hymns with her and then the Bishop, 1st counselor, and the Ward Mission Leader came over and gave her a priesthood blessing. I asked Bro Danny if he wanted a blessing too but he didn't exactly answer me... The next time we saw him was at his wife's funeral. But it was so weird because all of a sudden he was so open to us and to the ward members. Yesterday at church was the first time I've seen him really smile. It was so cute! It just makes me so happy to help him be happy. And I know that by living the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way that we are really going to be happy. 

A typical Pday usually involves some meeting. Like today we had zone goal setting. Our meetings are always in Sta. Ignacia, which is about 20-30 mins away on a jeepney or small bus.  Then we will go email. And then go to the palengke. Today we went to the palengke first because there was a brown out and all the computer shops were closed for a while. Then we go home. And then we put away our groceries. And then we clean the house. And then we do our laundry. And if there's time left we get to take a nap (haven't had one of those in like 4 months) or we can write to other missionaries/family/eat/whatever. Until 6. Then we go out and proselyte until 8. Then we go home. Then we plan for the next day. Then we update the Area Book. The end. Pretty exciting. 

I love you!!!! 
Sister Larson

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