Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19 Letter-"What a day!" Sister Acosta's favorite catch phrase

Here's something. The other day Sister Scholl (the one from Montana) gave me some gum. Right before I was going to sleep I thought to myself "hmm I need to spit out this gum" but alas I was too lazy. The next morning when I woke up I had gum all over my clothes and on my sheets. But none in my hair. It was ridiculous. I felt like a child. But I guess that's what happens when you don't chew gum for 8 months. 
The work in our area is awesome! We have been focusing on finding for the last month or so. And not just finding but finding by the Spirit. And it has really been awesome because we have tons of new investigators that are just getting it! It is really exciting. This June our mission goal is for each companionship to have at least two baptisms and we are already starting to see the miracles. Like for instance the big miracle that every one of our investigators that committed to come to church...they really came!!!!! We had 6 investigators at church! That is the most I've ever had come to church in my entire mission. It was a blessed day! 

Things are good. I am focusing on developing my Christ-like attribute of charity because I just think that so many things depend on love. If we have love for the Savior we will be obedient, if we love the people we will study effectively for their lessons, if we love our companion we will have the Spirit to guide us. So I'm just really trying to feel the love. And I really love you guys!!! Mahal na mahal  ko kayo!!!

 Sister Larson

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