Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14 Letter-7 months! only 11 more, how did that happen?!

So much happened this week it seemed a lot longer than just 7 days . I don't really know if I can put into words everything that I am learning.  Being a missionary is so interesting to me. It's almost like Heavenly Father gives us a chance to see things from His perspective. Right now in my life, nothing else matters to me but the gospel of Jesus Christ. There's no distractions. No Facebook, no Google, no TV, no "Babylonian" music. My purpose to help people come unto Christ and while doing so I know that I have come closer to my Savior as well.

But like Heavenly Father we have to let people use their agency, which to me is the most frustrating part of missionary work. Some people just don't get it! And I know that's how Heavenly Father feels about me sometimes. There are so many parts of the gospel that I didn't get until my mission, and there are many more that I still don't get. 

This week we taught one less active sister whose children are very active in the Church. She feels like she's not doing anything wrong by not coming to Church because she's busy and her children go to church, so that's good enough. She's lost her eternal perspective. She was actually one of the first members baptized in our area about 20 years ago. She's a pioneer who has lost her way.  During our lesson with her, I decided that I will never get so busy that my family and my duty to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints suffers.  

We also visited another less active sister whose story is very different. Just over a year ago this woman joined the Church. But because of severe health problems has been unable to come to church most Sundays. The last time she came was at the end of March. She was only able to stay for Sacrament meeting because of the pain she was in.  None of us knew that that was the last time she would partake of that ordinance in her earthly life. She passed away yesterday. 

The contrast of these two sisters really hit me this week. One whose testimony was still relatively new was able to stay true to the faith to the end of her days. While the other who has been a part of the true and living Church for many years has lost her way and loosened her grip on the iron rod. I am so thankful for this time in my life to be able to see a little bit of what Heavenly Father sees. I hope that when He thinks about me He is not worried about if I will endure to the end. I want to do everything in my power to hear the words, "Well done thou good and faithful servant" when I am done with my 4 minutes on this earth. 

I love you all so much! I wish you could feel how sincerely I mean that when I type those words!!! Keep holding on to the iron rod! Don't you dare let go! 

Love, Sister Larson

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