Sunday, January 4, 2015

January 4, 2015- Another Wonderful Week and Happy New Year!!

Happy New Years! I think I spent my New Years a lot like Dad. Sick. But it was a different kind of sick than I have been. I don't know if that should be reassuring mom, but I just feel like ..."she turned me into a newt! But you don't look like a newt. I got better!" Name that movie. :) Sister Davis and I were both sick. Maybe it was something that we ate. She got better a lot faster than me. Which I was grateful for because she took care of me..again. I call her Doctor Davis. With a British accent of course. It was like food poisoning mixed with a cold/flu so.. that was fun. Now I'm almost 100% better...just that I have a little cold. Maybe it's because of the weather? I know it's hard to believe, but it's gotten a little chilly here on my tropical island. It's actually like perfect weather right now. I'm loving it. 

This week Sister Adorlena was baptized! She had to have an interview with President Clark and it was really cool to be able to be a part of it. Sister Davis and I were the "translators" but she did pretty well with English. Anyways, I learned a lot. I felt the Spirit testify that repentance is real and that our Heavenly Father understands that we make mistakes, sometimes big ones. But that's why He prepared a way. He sent His son Jesus Christ so that when we make those mistakes we have a way to repent and be clean. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that the Atonement is real and that power that comes from true repentance is real. I know that Sister Adorlena felt that power. 

Her baptism was so awesome. A lot of the ward members were there, despite a last minute time change, and some of our ward missionaries even came. She was so happy. My favorite part was seeing her son there with her in the baptismal font as he called her by name and baptized her by the priesthood authority that he holds. It was powerful. There is a corny quote that I heard before I became a missionary. It says,  "a missionary is someone who leaves her family for 1 year and a half so that other families can be together forever"  I really feel that I saw that this week. Sister Adorlena will be with her family forever and that makes leaving my family worth it.  Her 13 year old daughter bore her testimony in sacrament meeting yesterday about how she was so happy and couldn't hardly wait to be sealed to her mom and her father, who passed away, in the temple in a year. I know this gospel is true and that the priesthood is real and that in a year that family will really be sealed together for eternity. 

I love you all!! 

Sister Larson
Sick Sisters!!

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