Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 13 Letter-

So this week was pretty awesome. Every week is always, of course, awesome.  Sister Esirom was sick on Tuesday so we weren't able to go out and work. There's been a few times in the past 10 months that we haven't been able to go out and work because of sickness. And I really don't like it. It is a yuck feeling. And that's how I know it's going to be really hard for me to take off my nametag. I want to be a missionary for the rest of forever! Good thing I can. And will. But then as the week went on we were actually able to visit and teach and meet so many people. It was amazing how Heavenly Father was able to help us overcome the time that we missed when Sister Esirom was sick. He really is guiding and directing this work. And He is involved in the details of each of our lives. Just little things that happened this week made me smile. Like stopping to talk to someone and then as soon as we started on our way again we ran into a former investigator that we had lost contact with. It was perfect timing. 

We taught a young family in our ward who are starting to prepare for the temple. I love them. And I can't wait to see them in white being sealed as a family for time and eternity. We need the temple. It has been almost exactly one year since I received my endowment in the temple. I am so grateful for a family that knows the importance of temple covenants and a mom and a dad who work to stay true to those covenants and promises that they've made to each other and to God. 

My shoulders have so many knots right now, it's amazing. Sister Esirom is a great companion and tries to rub them out, but I'm pretty sure they are permanent. We are both kind of falling apart. Hopefully with a little ibuprofen and ice we can keep it together for 8 more months. haha I guess we really are serving with ALL of our might, mind, and strength. 

Also my clothes are falling apart! I thought the clothes I brought with me would last forever...but that was before I knew that we wash our clothes by hand. All is well in Zion because there is a beautiful thing here called ukay-ukay. Which is like a better and cheaper Goodwill/D.I. so that is our plan for today. Yay for P-Day! 

Sige, I love you. If you want to know stuff you could like email and ask me some questions or something. 

Mahal ko kayo!! 

Sister Larson

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