Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 20 Letter-Walang asawa pero I'm a nanay!

When a missioanary first gets into the field they are basically a child. There are many things that they don't know how to do for themselves. And in a lot of ways they are helpless. I know because I was there.
So...you see. What had happened was... I'm a nanay. Which is Tagalog for "mother". I have an anak! (child) Because I am training a new missionary.And that is nuts. 
What is even more nuts is my trainee is also a foreigner. So a new missionary who doesn't really know Tagalog is training an even newer missionary who knows even less Tagalog. It's fun. 
But Sister Laiti is great. She is from Sydney, Australia and is Samoan. So far I have had more Samoan companions than Filippino. But she's one of those missionaries who came pre-trained. She's 22 and has a great desire to serve the Lord. She is a great example to me and I really am learning more from her than she probably is from me. 
That was the big news of the week. Things continue to progress in our little "branch" as we call it. Even though it's a ward, we have the attendance of a branch so... We are learning that it is better to be bold. Even though it's really scary sometimes. 
And I tried a new food! Day old baby chicken. Hindi sobrang masarap. Lets just say I won't be eating it everyday. But it was an experience. 
I was asked to speak in church yesterday. My talk was about priesthood and the power that it can bring to families. I love the priesthood and the more I learn about it the more I realize that it's way past my understanding. But I do love the priesthood. 
How was your week? Any missionary experiences? 

Mahal na mahal ko kayo!!! 
Sister Larson 

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