FHE with one of our part member families. the parents are less active and the two boys on either side of me are hopefully going to get baptized in March. The whole family committed to come to church next week and I really hope that as we help their sons prepare for baptism they can remember their own baptismal covenants and come back to the church!
so we helped one of our investigators with her "feeding program" she wanted to feed needy children with the money she would have used for a birthday party. She's amazing. And I taught (or tried to teach, anyways) the kids how to make a fish face. It was hilarious. Look at their faces!!! Oh I love them.. I really love these people!!
so we were just walking down the street and saw this man on his trike wearing this shirt! I had to take a picture! I asked him where he got it and he said, ukay-ukay (thrift shop) he had no idea what it really meant, but for me it really made my day and I know that home really isn't that far away. Plus I can't get homesick! "Home" is where the gospel is!
okay and also I wanted to show you that the sign you sent me (Daily Decisions Determine Destiny) is on our little baby fridge and also I wanted you to see what the brooms are like here. they don't have brooms made out of plastic. and it is not a very effective sweeper. but hey, welcome to the Philippines!
this is our new years eve. the most delicious spaghetti I have ever tasted. ever.
the only house with real Christmas decorations. and they had a lot.
my kasama and I exchanging gift Christmas morning
we spent the evening of new years eve doing my laundry. yes my kasama loves me enough to help me wash my clothes! she's great. and we had fun, if you can't tell.
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