Wednesday, October 30, 2013

So yes I am officially in the field now.  This is real life now. I don't really know how to explain it but nothing here surprises me.  And not in a sarcastic, "Doesn't surprise me."  kind of way but a genuine I feel so comfortable here.  Not exactly like I've been here before but I'm familiar with this place.  I love it.  I guess one way to explain the feeling is like hanging out at The Ranch.  Because of the big typhoon that swept through a few weeks ago we still don't have power in part of our area.  So my new kasama Sister Lazan (which kind of sounds like Larson when Filipinos say it) and I have been having candlelight dinners.  It makes personal/companion study somewhat difficult, but it's an adventure. And honestly I don't mind.  If we were in America it would be the end of the world to not have power for going on 5 days but life goes on.  And because of the lack of electricity there are tons of people out on the street which helps us because we get to talk to more people! Also more people out on the streets means more people staring at the white girl.  Filipinos love foreigners.  And I am literally the only white person in our whole area.  Not exaggerating. So I have started using this to my advantage and smiling and saying hello to everyone.  And 9 out of 10 times they smile right back.  Some of them even call me beautiful.  Mostly the 80+ ladies, don't worry mom.  Just like how we want to be more tan, they want to be more white so they think my skin=beauty.  Silly.  My kasama and I are what they call "white-washing" this area.  Which means that neither of us has been in the area before.  They don't usually like to put a trainer/trainee companionship in a totally new area but with the increase of sisters I don't know if there was much of a choice.  Although I do know that this is exactly where I'm supposed to be.  It's just like any calling, the Lord has called me to the Cabanatuan Ward 1 area, not President Martino.  I love the area so much.  It's not super in the city and it's not just farms.  It consists of three barangays (or neighborhoods).  We have been trying to meet as many people as we can to figure out who is who.  It's good that Sister Lazan is so good at her job! I am so glad to have a kasama like her.  She is obedient but still knows how to have fun.  She has already started building great relationships with the ward members here. Which is going to be super helpful because our main job here is to support  the local leaders.  This ward has so much potential! I know that Sister Lazan and I, under the direction of the Lord, will be able to bring back many of the lost sheep in this area.  I love being a missionary! But you know what the weirdest part of missionary work is? It's the fact that I am the one doing it.  I have heard missionary stories for as long as I can remember and now I'm here in the Philippines walking up and down the streets and making my own memories as I help others come closer to Christ.   I know that where ever you are in the world, whatever you are doing you can help other come closer to Christ by simply bearing your testimony or inviting them to listen to a message from the missionaries.  Will you do that? Will you think of someone who you can help to come closer to Christ? And if you are less active or not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will you listen to a message from the missionaries in your town? I know that the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ is one of hope and love. I love my Savior with all my heart and I am so glad that He loved me enough to Atone for me and make it possible for me to live with Him and my Heavenly Father again.  The Church is true! Mahal kita!!! -Sister Larson

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