Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1st- Hello Junio!

So it's June. How did that happen? Time is flying by! I don't know how I feel about it. So have I told you about how I've been really trying to improve my personal prayers? Well I have been. And who knew how much work sincere prayer was. But it's really so worth it. I feel like I've been able to improve my relationship with my Heavenly Father and I really do feel like He is listening to me. This month is all about becoming a "Visionary Missionary" here in the Angeles Mission. And President Martino's last month!! But President Martino asked us all to write down our plans for where we want to be in the next month, the next year, and the next three years. So I did that. And then I talked to Heavenly Father about it. I thought that I had it all figured out. I had decided that when I get home I would just take online classes from BYU-I and stay at home find a job, maybe find an internship, work on family history, ride bikes with Reo, be able to visit Sara and Daniel and their childrens, and basically live the dream. But when I was talking to Heavenly Father about all my great was like being really really excited about something, but the person you are talking about isn't excited at all. :( Not cool. I don't know why but I just don't really want to go back up to Rexburg right after my mission. But I reluctantly asked Him if that's what I needed to do. And I received my answer in the form of Pres. Eyring's voice from his talk "Where is the pavillion?" a few conferences ago. He too was asking Heavenly Father about whether he should stay or leave Rexburg. And the Lord told him, "I'll let you stay at my school a little longer." Well that's what the Lord told me too. Stinkin Rexburg. So I don't know how (because I have absolutely no monies) but I know that's where I need to go when I get home. Oh personal revelation. 

Also we have an awesome new investigator, CJ. He is 16 and is just smart! He read the Introduction to the Book of Mormon once and remembered a ton of stuff about Moroni and the plates and even that he appeared in September to Joseph Smith. His mom died when he was little but apparently she was a member. He lives with his aunt now, who is an active member of our ward. I don't know why he hasn't be baptized yet, but I feel really grateful to be one of the missionaries that gets to teach him and help him get ready for the sacred ordinance of baptism. I'm learning way more from him than he is from me. 

I love life. Even when it's hard and even when I get slightly homesick... I love being a missionary. I feel like I was blind, but now I can finally see. This missionary thing is way more than just 18 months. This is the beginning of the rest of my life. And trying to live everyday with my heart and hands ready to serve the Lord. Oh how I detest the natural man. But I'm trying. And that's all that matters. I love you! I miss you guys!!!! 

Earlier today we caught a whiff of freshly cut grass and it made me so happy! Sister Acosta on the other hand plugged her nose because she said it smell gross. Well that's life. 

Mahal ko kayo! 
Sister Larson

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