Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Letter to Dad...

I knew that I was coming to a third world country but it wasn't until I saw it with my own eyes that I realized how tremendously blessed we are.  Even my comp who I can tell comes from a pretty wealthy family, according to Flipino standards, has always washed her clothes by hand. And there are six kids in her family too! I will never never never complain about having to do laundry again.  Right now we have a "nanay" that does our laundry for us, but I won't be surprised if later down the road I will have to start doing my own laundry.  We had a very special experience last night.  One of the ward members told us that she needed us to come help her husband.  I didn't really understand what she was saying but later my comp informed me that their daughter had been killed 3 months ago and they didn't know who killed her.  The husband had a lot of anger in his heart and had stopped coming to church.  When my comp told me that it was a very surreal moment for me.  I had heard stories of terrible things like that happening to people but I didn't feel like I had ever seen it first hand.  As we began our lesson with him, I had an ah-ha moment.  I had been praying to know what I could say to this man and his family.  What could I possibly say when I had never know that kind of heartache? And I realized that each time that we experience sorrow, or pain, or trials we are getting a little tiny taste of what our Savior felt in the Garden of Gethsemane.  I think that I understood that concept before on an intellectual level, but it wasn't before I was sitting in their humble home tesifing that Christ really does know how they feel that I really understood.  I am so grateful for parents that aren't afraid of sacrifice and who have sacrificed so much for me.  I know that the sacrificies you have made and are making aren't just for me.  It's for that family.  And for the many more people that I will be able to teach and hopefully help.  So thank you Dad.  I love you!! 
Sister Larson 

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