Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20th-Letter and baptism of Tatay Bugarin

This week we had some really great experiences with members helping us find souls. We stopped by this 70 year old member's home to follow up on his granddaughter that we had taught a few weeks ago. The granddaughter wasn't there but we asked this member who of his friends or neighbors we could visit. This 70-something year old man shuffled his way down the neighborhood so that he could introduce us to his friends. One was a less active member that we hadn't met and the other was an older man who needs the gospel. It was awesome. And the timing was perfect. This same kind of thing happened a few more times this week. It turns out, sometimes you just need to ask! 

Tatay Bugarin would not pray when we first started teaching him. Everyone in his family are members of the Church, except him. His son is on a mission right now and he told his dad that he hoped and prayed that his dad would be baptized by the time he gets home. His prayers have been answered. Elder Bugarin will get home in a few months, and I can only imagine the greeting that father and son will have. 

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